Monday, October 11, 2010

Reality Check!

You're my favorite secret.
You're my favorite lie.
I feel all nuts and jumpy,
When I see you on site.

I have no idea what I see in you,
You're not even my type.
I'm pretty and crazy,
And your so damn uptight.

I laugh at your corny jokes.
I cry when you make me talk.
I see things the way you see them.
It scares me,
But it doesn't matter at all.

What's this spell I'm under?
Can you please take it away?
My heads in a wonder,
Me thinks I can fly away.

The sad thing about the dream I'm in,
You'll never know I care.
'Cause through all the good you show to me,
To you I'm just a friend.

Dirty Laundry

Yesterday was almost perfect except for the fact that seeing two people who weren't suppose to be seen together had to show up in the picture. See my friend has a boyfriend who can't seem to stay away from a certain girl who makes his bedroom fantasies come true. Imagine how much of an airhead they are. They've been seen together by so many people yet no matter how many times my friend's (let's name her Jane) been told about his infidelity she still stays by his side. Jane loves the guy so much and we get that but as her friends we don't want to see her fall apart. She has always been the strong girl. She was my shoulder to cry on when I had no one to talk to. Seeing some cheap girl tear her apart is just sick. My friends and I had to do something about it. And by this I mean, to confront and terrorize the bitch (mind my language, it comes with the emotions).

Here's our plan of total destruction: We confront the bitch via the phone. This happens to work because she only comes to the city whenever she's called by her FUBU. You wouldn't want to know what that means..the thought of it makes me want to her friends we can be a bitch. As a way to make the girl feel awful we've been posting mean stats on facebook. Even Jane's boyfriend sort of "liked" one of my status' just to show that he's unaffected. can you spell S.T.U.P.I.D? He then posts a status that needs a quick update on grammar and sentence construction. I didn't retaliate at all. I just couldn't stoop down to their level.

An old friend of mine personal messaged me on facebook. We talked about the situation. I was really touched when he told me that I did the right thing telling Jane about her boyfriend's escapades. He told me that I should stay away from it and that my part ends at telling her what I saw. My friends and I should be there as a support and let Jane make her own decisions. This is true. She needs to wake up and smell the pungent smell of her boyfriend. I can't stand it but I just have to sit still and be part of her support group..just that..

How can some guys be this awful? Jane was the strong girl. She was always one of the person's I'd run to when I'm feeling down and out.

I wish that someday girls would wake up from their fairytale love stories and stand up for themselves. I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrite..I'm just saying that you should leave some for yourself. Make decisions based on what's right. You are a strong woman. You are capable of anything. And like all women, Whatever happens you'll always have great friends beside you..Through thick and thin.